Thursday, October 13, 2011


So, I had a rough day today. Didn't sleep well, got yelled at by the boss, and hit a traffic jam on the way home, after I was thoroughly exhausted. So I was pretty aggravated. Then I realized, it wasn't these little, inconsequential things that were really bothering me. Instead, it was the big things. The fact that I've been driving my mother's car for three months because I can't afford a new one of my own, or the friendship that may or may not be over, I just don't know, or the fact that my grandfather has stage three lung cancer. Those were the things really bothering me. But I let the stupid stuff drive me over the edge.

And it occurred to me that everyone is like that. The rude customer at work may be dealing with the death of a loved one, and the guy that cuts you off in traffic might be rushing to pick up his sick kid. It's all perspective. So I'm sorry to anyone I might have pushed over the edge today with my stupid, silly actions. And I hope that things get better for you. We all need a little more good karma.

1 comment:

  1. How profound!!! But really lil girl, sometimes you need to focus on the good things in your life...your parents are fabulous, your sister is second to none, you are madly loved by my son, me and my husband!!! Not to mention all the test of your absolutely fabulous friends!!!!!!
