Monday, November 14, 2011

Orange you glad its November?

Sorry guys, I know it's been a while. I don't really have any excuse as to why I haven't posted. Guess I just didn't have a lot to say. But we are well into November and I am enjoying this month greatly. Chilly weather, great specialty food and drink out on the market, and lots of thankfulness and family time. I'm not sure if I will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family (the give and take of working at a theme park that's open 365 days a year), but I am fortunate to be able to spend time with my family on a regular basis. But I will miss the food. Not the turkey, so much. Not really a turkey fan, but all the other yummy stuff that comes with a big family thanksgiving. Corn casserole, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes with those little marshmallows on the top, pickle trays, deviled eggs, and of course, dessert! So to indulge myself in a little of the holiday spirit, I have created a side dish that is simple and tasty and very fitting for the holiday.

Orange Potatoes
I call these orange potatoes because of the beautiful color. Orange potatoes are simply sweet potatoes and some white potato (I prefer petite red potatoes) boiled and mashed together. Peel your sweet potatoes and cut into cubes. I like to leave a little skin in my mashed, for texture and nutrients. And because I'm lazy! So I don't peel the red potatoes, just throw them in the pot.Boil up your sweet potatoes and red skinned potatoes until they are fully cooked (i.e. mushy). Mash them up with a potato masher and add butter to your liking. I like a ton. Salt and pepper to taste and you will have creamy, nutritious and pretty potatoes to accompany any seasonal dish.

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